It has hardly been a month and it feels like the corporate life has been sucking me in already! Balance i thought cannot be a problem for me since, well, I am me!! But turns out it is not as easy as that.
Life has been good. Life has been a party. Weekdays are full with training(read fun, in my class at least). Time just flies by after you return home on weekdays. And weekends have been one huge party. Every weekend I've been going out. Movies, treks, trips, dinners, lunches, hanging out and catching up with friends, visiting relatives, using my first salary very effectively by shopping. Life can't be more perfect than this, can it?
Well, here is the problem. Where has my time for ME gone? I hardly seem to be finding time for me, for me to do what i love to do, what i want to do and sometimes what i need to do! More than anything, i wonder if my passion has weaned down, if all that was once part of my life then seems a thing of the past now!
The problem with this work cycle is that weekends are not drab either. They are fun. What we used to do all week long has now been shifted out on weekends and weekends are no longer relaxation. No longer getting up at 10 in the morn, read the newspaper leisurely and then watch an old flick on tv or maybe wash the car. No more just staying at home, doing nothing, wanting to do nothing. Because even if you want to do nothing, others want to do something and you get dragged along. Just ends up getting tiring. Oh, hope next weekend is not as packed as this one with lunches and dinners and i can just sleep at home!