Thursday, February 21, 2008

Republic Day

From all the kids, the ones i vividly remembered were Seetha and Krishna[Kisna];maybe because these little angels were the tiniest of the lot. My second visit to Indira Gandhi International Academy was just as memorable as the first. I was on the lookout for familiar faces,and many a familiar faces did I find! It was only the names that i could not recollect, but i remembered each kid i had interacted with earlier when i saw their faces...Deborah, Richard, Kokila to name a few.

It is this personal interaction with the kids and the warmth you feel with the unadulterated affection these kids shower on you that makes your day. It is the smile on their faces, the twinkle in their eyes, the excitement in their voice that urges you to go back, that makes you feel what you are doing is worthwhile. It is a beautiful experience where you learn each moment you teach. And this republic day, we tried to experience just that!

Conducting games for the kids such as passing the parcel and running race and competitions like drawing and singing were no easy feat by themselves. Kids are by far the same everywhere, you see some leaders, you see some retractors. You find many shy kids, some who cease to be shy when they find company, very few bold ones! You see naughty kids, you see moody see happiness in their faces when they win, you see resentment and disappointment when they lose. To coax and urge and provide confidence and console and be a kid with them once again gives immense pleasure.

What touched me the most was that so many of the kids remembered me and quite a few of us and also the way the small kids told us to study well and do well at our workplaces! They see we are lot more privileged than them, and just their heartfelt selfless wish for us to succeed makes me want to reach out to them all the more in all ways i can!

Also memorable was the candle light vigil held in the IGIA campus in order to salute the unsung heroes of our nation, the jawans. The candle light pervading in the darkness, like light always does,brought hope to the darkened minds again, bringing the evening to a perfect ending!


Anonymous said...

Balance In One's life seems to necessary in today's scenario.Keep it up.Also Nice Photos.!!

Ashwini said...

haha mr payal..right ;)

Unknown said...

hey thats amazing!! keep up the good work..
good blog btw :)