Wednesday, March 19, 2014


While her kids were choosing ice cream flavors, Reema's eyes were drawn to the smartly dressed lady in the cafe. Sitting with her associates, she was clearly in charge of the meeting and Reema looked on admiringly.

Shonali looked up from her laptop and for a fleeting second her sight shifted to two small kids eating ice cream. Though not easily distracted, she could not help feel a pang when the little one lovingly took a spoon of ice cream and fed his mom.

The same thought crossed both minds, "Isn't she lucky?"

This post is written as a part of Five Sentence Fiction: 


pramohs said...

Very well written for a 5 liner. Liked the confusion you have captured in the characters minds, and the question that you pose us readers about success and luck.

Good work.. :)

Unknown said...

Extraordinary, i must say, yaar!! simply loved it!! The grass is greener on the other side, always!!

Ashwini said...

Thank you :)

Dhaval Shah said...

Very well written.

Dhaval Shah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashwini said...

Thanks Dhaval! :) Glad you liked it!

And thanks for the suggestion. I will work on changing the template :) Wasn't aware that it made it tough to read.

Ramya said...

Very true Ashwini! We always feel tat the grass is greener on the other side!

Unknown said...

Very well written.

Ashwini said...

Thanks Ramya and Samridh :)