Thursday, February 11, 2010

Define: LOVE

Two days ago, my roommate suddenly springs up this question: 'Define Love!'. I, for a minute, was speechless. How long ago was it that we gave up looking for a definition for love! This question took me back to middle school and slam books. That was the last time I consciously tried to define the word that only has to be felt and understood. I remember that I wanted to get it darned right, because it went on everyone's slam books for posterity and more importantly, every one of your peers read what you wrote and you obviously had to come across to them as a cool person!!You portrayed your 'coolness' by either writing the first ridiculous thing that came to your head or by coming across as sensible and level-headed. Now, I really don't know what I was trying to be at all but then I was convinced that my definition was really the best of them all and all my friends' slam books are filled with this : Love, is as sweet as chocolates!!!!


Rorschach said...

well, emotions are best left unanalyzed. love is one of em.

but ya, the way you'v put it is pretty cool.

Benkiman said...

Ashwini: Do you still possess those slam books? But, seriously LOL at the idea of trying to define Love correctly so that you wanted to look cool.

Ashwini said...

@Avi: Lol....It is hardly cool. It is so juvenile :D
@Muthu: I do have mine from 7th std. But quite naturally I didn't write in my own slam book :)
And, it was not about just defining Love correctly. It was harder than that! Every answer in the slam book had to be cool, back then. Aaah, feels so nice to think back and say, Hey, I was just a kid :D

Jaiditya Namburi said...

Love is a full blown mental illness..

Ashwin Ranade @24 said...

a definition for love is not easy since it is quite dynamic, malleable and also relative. Changes with each person, changes for different ages for the same person, and changes over the course of a relationship. My definition of love? A construct cleverly built to mask a socially co-dependent symbiotic relationship as a social obligation for your Humane existence.

Ashwin Ranade @24 said...

unfortunately my definition is too geeky.... Don't see many hotties swooning over that :P

Ashwini said...

JD: agreed :)

Ranade: It's too technical :D And it is not remotely true too. What you are defining is just civilization :) Love is so much more!