Stood there I, paralyzed
Moved not an inch on either side
Open eyed, gripped with fear
In my mind those voices I hear
“Safe not my child, do not, my child
Not for a lad this”, said he
“You are my one, my only one
Leave not my side”, cried she
Walked into the jungle, unfazed, unabashed
Haughty and proud, to none there I bowed
Gleam and glint filled my eye
All this I will own, I did decide
Now they come back, those words unheeded
Helpless I stand, intimidated
Mortal I am, small I am, this
Nature around all powerful
My folly I realize, humbled I cry
Pray I to come out of here alive
Lessons learnt in the hard way some
A second chance I plead it to come.